
7 Ways to Improve Website Safety and Prevent Hacking

website safety on laptop

Website safety is a convenience for the user. Website security assures users that personal information there will only be shared with the appropriate authorities and will not be stolen or misused by third-parties or hackers. This improves customer confidence in the company adding value to that brand reputation.  Here are 7 useful tips and tricks […]

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Snaggy – send screenshot easily

SNAGGY - The easiest way to share a snapshot of your screen

About Snaggy ( www.snag.gy ) Snaggy is the fastest way to share a screenshot without needing any downloads or installations. It’s designed with your workflow in mind by using only a minimum number of keypresses to share your images. Capturing your screen The Print Screen key is your universal screen capture button. It’s located near […]

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PageSpeed: Leverage browser caching

PageSpeed: Leverage browser caching

Page load times can be significantly improved by asking visitors to save and reuse the files included in your website. Reduces page load times for repeat visitors Particularly effective on websites where users regularly re-visit the same areas of the website Benefit-cost ratio: high Access needed What is browser caching? Every time a browser loads […]

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