What is Cloudflare?
Cloudflare is an amazing free service that helps in Speeding up and Securing your website. This is done by acting as a proxy cloud server between your website visitors and our hosting servers. That’s not all; this service will help your website from malicious visitors, save your bandwidth and average page load time.
Here’s how you can enable this service:
- Login to cPanel
- Scroll down to the Software/Servicessection
- Click on “Cloudflare”
- Enter your email address
- Tick on the checkbox to agree to Cloudflare’s terms of service
Click on “Signup Now”
- You’ll now get a success message for signing up with Cloudflare.
- Click on the “Click Here” hyperlink in the success message
- Click on the Cloud icon beside your domain name
That’s it. Give it a few hours for the changes to reflect and you’ll see the website speed improvement yourself. 🙂