If you’d like to setup a redirection from one of your website URL to another URL, here’s how you do it
- Login to cPanel.
- Scroll down to the Domainssection
- Click on “Redirects”
- Select your domain name or sub-domain name from the drop down list for which you want to setup a redirect
- If you’d like a sub-directory to be redirected, enter the sub-directory name in the text box beside your domain name (For eg – If you like to redirect yourdomain.com/page1 to example.com enter page1 in this text box)
- Enter the destination URL to which you want to redirect to
- Set the www redirection type (Only redirect with www | Redirect with or without www | Do Not Redirect www | Wild Card Redirect)
Click on Add
That’s it. Within a few minutes, you’ll start seeing your website URL redirected to the other URL you just entered.